Stories of Faith in Action
One Life Movie Review
This One Life movie review reveals the beauty of a film about saving children from the destruction of World War II and the man behind the mission, Nicky Winton.
Why Our Family Goes To Church On Vacation
Traveling is fun. So what's the benefit of going to church on vacation? Our Catholic family has made so many rich memories by not skipping Mass while we travel. Here are some of the churches and experiences we will never forget.
Cabrini Movie Review
A straightforward Cabrini movie review from a Catholic parent's perspective. What is the movie Cabrini about and why is her life still relevant today?
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10 Simple Ways to Awaken Your Family’s Faith Outside of Mass
While attending Mass on Sundays is a fundamental aspect of nurturing one's faith, it may not be enough for fully awakening and sustaining a deep spiritual connection within the family.
To enrich and complement the weekly Mass experience, this guide offers ten practical ways to deepen your family's faith journey outside of the church setting.